If you are having email problems, please make sure your internet connecting is still functioning.

Sending Emails:

Your SMTP server is the server that sends your emails. This SMTP server can either be (1) the SMTP of your ISP (internet service provider) e.g. Telkom/Mweb/WebAfrica, or (2) the server of your email host.

Remember if you use your ISPs server and you then move your computer to a different network and that network has a different ISP, your emails will not send. This is because the ISPs do not allow relay (they don’t want to do more work than they have to).

If you have your own domain, you will use that SMTP server rather than your ISPs. Usually it would be something like mail.yourdomainname.co.za. Most of these SMTP servers will use SSL encryption and user authentication. This means you need to provide your user name (your email address) and your password (password to your mailbox). Using port 587 and encryption mode of SSL.

The above is in contrast with some of our local ISP SMTP servers, for example, if you have a Telkom internet connection and email address you can use smtp.saix.net as your server, no user name or password, using port 25 and no encryption.

A rule of thumb to remember is port 25 = not secure and 587 = secure. If something is secure you have to provide some form of identification i.e. username and password. Sometimes ISPs do use port 587 with no authentication, but this is not normal.

Some mails servers require you to ‘allow less secure apps’, this is an extra layer of security from their side. Gmail is the most common one in this regard. The less secure setting will need to be disabled if you want to send mails out of your software, using your Gmail account.

Blocked Emails

Please remember that most anti-virus programs come with mail scanners that scan incoming and outgoing mails. If you are having problems double check your security settings.

Clients not getting your mails

Unfortunately there is not much we can do here other than using a good subject line for your emails. A good subject line is one that does not use any flagged words. These are words that spam filters look for e.g. ‘Invoice’, ‘statement’, ‘account’. I usually just use the practice name or the owners name as the subject line.

Receiving Emails

The Made to Measure software is not an email client program, so it does not provide this function. Therefore we will not be discussing it. If you do have questions please feel free to email technicalsupport@madetomeasure.co.za and we can look at writing a small article discussing this.