This is a smaller download, because it excludes the Help Files. If your program's current file date is later than 2012, you can use this download below because the Help Files have not been changed.
Click here for Update Instructions
Double click on the downloaded 'Progonly.exe' file to start the update.
If you are prompted to run the installation as Administrator, select yes.
Professional Change Log
VAT 15% no longer used as Namibian switch.
Nappi code of 9 digits was displaying 'Dummy Nappi code' but not true.
Show email password.
Allow for 10 digit Nappi codes.
Stand alone external mailer to handle own domain SSL error 221 issue due to updated server security.
Modifiers 0032 and 0034 added to anesthetic screen.
Removed CD default from registration.
Tooth number entry for oral hygiene PR type 113.
Bulk Email and SMS warnings.
Button to remove duplicate ICD10's.
Remove Save button from programs.
Rounding defaults to 1c if billing rate/ percentage is changed.
Import of medical aids updates administrator.